< CIMA SpA -Vineyard, spraying in narrow and aslope rows
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Place: Savoy -France

Analysis of the feasibility showing the spraying treatment simulation New Plus 55
Analysis of the feasibility showing the spraying treatment simulation New Plus 45 e 50

In Savoy, most of the vineyards are planted in very aslope and narrow rows ( 1,40-1,60 mt.wide, 1,50-1,60 mt.high). The request was for a low volume pneumatic sprayer equipped with a sprayhead to simultaneously cover more rows at one time on aslope terreins and spaces with a very short turning radius.

This new sprayhead can be fitted onto 3-point mounted low volume pneumatic sprayers New Plus 45 and 50 on low hp power tractors to spray 2 complete rows at one time. The same, fitted onto the New Plus 55 combined to more powerful tractors, can simoultaneously cover 3 rows at one time.


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